According to experts in the industry, nine out of ten furnace repairs would not have been necessary if the furnace had had proper cleaning and service. Not to mention the fact that a unit that is taken care of offers a number of other benefits, including improved energy savings. If you want to ensure that your furnace is in tip top shape for the winter months, then we recommend contacting Econo West Heating Air & Plumbing at (661) 947-2653 now to have it taken care of.
Save energy with regular cleaning and maintenance
Even if your new furnace was rated as 96% efficient when you bought it, that assumed optimal operating conditions. If you did not then have it serviced and cleaned regularly, then you could end up spending a lot more on energy then you have to. Not to mention increasing your carbon footprint. Remember that a dirty furnace with dust and dirt on it can get clogged up, which not only slows it down but can cause other energy efficiency issues.
Enjoy more comfort with a cleaned and maintained furnace
If there is dirt living within your furnace, then you can expect to eventually suffer consequences. It may start out as uneven heating that leaves you sweating in one room and freezing in another, but it will get worse until you can tell how dirty the air is. When you allow Econo West Heating Air & Plumbing to provide furnace cleaning, we make sure that your unit works cleanly and comfortably.
Make sure your furnace lasts as long as possible
When you call on us to clean, oil, and maintain your furnace, it is going to run better. Not only will this improve efficiency and ensure maximum comfort in your home, it will actually increase how long your furnace lasts. When the manufacturer estimates the lifespan of a product at 20-25 years, they are assuming that the product is being maintained in that timeframe. Make the most of your investment by investing a little each year.
Keep your family and your home safe
If your gas furnace has a gas leak, then as time goes on it can pose a deadly risk. Likewise, if your electric furnace has an issue, it could also pose serious health issues. When you have a HVAC technician come out every year, we will service your unit to ensure that your pilot lights are in proper working order and that your wiring is in excellent condition. If there are issues, we can provide solutions.
Ongoing warranty protection
It’s common for homeowners not to realize that a lot of manufacturers require annual service and cleaning in order for their warranty to stay in effect. If this is the case with your furnace’s warranty and you skip even one year, you could end up paying for it in the long run. Contact Econo West Heating Air & Plumbing at (661) 947-2653 now to get started.