No one wants to spend more than they have to on their monthly heating costs yet many people do. Some don’t realize the simple steps they could take and others just forget. No matter the reason you have not taken on these steps, we would like to remind you that they are relatively simple and can save you big in the long run.
Program Your Thermostat
If you do not have a smart thermostat, we strongly recommend getting one. Yes, it will require an initial investment but it can quickly pay for itself by reducing your bills. The latest options allow you to change the temperature from anywhere you have internet access, can determine if you are home or not and change the temperature for you, and learn your habits over time. They will also give you information on how much you have saved, along with unique tips for your specific energy use.
Seal and Caulk Windows and Doors
Most people can seal and/or caulk their own windows using simple DIY kits. This helps to ensure that the heat stays inside and the cold stays outside. You can find these kits at your local home improvement store. We recommend using them on windows, doors, and sliding glass doors to improve your home’s energy efficiency.
Take Advantage of Heating Elements You Have
If your home has a fireplace, use it to heat your home. You may have a glass fireplace that can be turned on and off with a simple switch, or perhaps a fireplace that uses gas. If you have a fire-burning fireplace, you will be using even less energy. They are very efficient at product heat but remember to have it cleaned and inspected before using it for the first time.
Work with Your Local HVAC Company
There are numerous ways that Econo West Heating Air & Plumbing can help as well. First, call us for furnace maintenance. If you have not noticed any issues with your furnace, we still recommend this maintenance process to ensure you do not end up having issues sooner than you must. If your furnace has any noticeable issues, then we strongly recommend this maintenance program.
During the maintenance visit, we will assess the quality of your furnace. We may be able to provide customized tips that can help you increase your home’s energy efficiency. If your unit is more than a decade old, then it may be worth updating to a more recent, more energy-efficient model. We can go over those issues with you.
If you are interested in finding out the various ways in which you can lower your heating costs while helping the environment then we strongly recommend you contact Econo West Heating Air & Plumbing at (661) 947-2653 for an appointment.